
Boku to kanojo no XXX

Having been somewhat bored lately I started watching a new show I acquired long ago. In fact it's so long ago I can't remember when. As for why I got it, I have no idea. I guess someone told me to get it, and I can be very easy to persuade at times. That is however at the moment mostly irrelevant. I now have the show, and I have started watching it.

The show in question is japense mini-series called "Boku to kanajo no XXX" based directly on some anime with the same name. It's the most dubious, over the top clichéd shit I have seen in a good while. This thing has everything that defines tacky, including not at all subtle implied nudity.

In short: Any person with taste should hate this. And yet, here I am and I love it.

Let's break down the story: A very shy guy has a major crush on some girl and has had it for a good while. This girl happens to be super-badass and everyone (and I mean everyone) is mortified by her mere presence. She basicly treat people like bowlings balls. Literally.

By matters of coincidence, the shy guy almost drowns (in 10cms deep water with, dolphins swimming around no less), but gets rescued by the girl of his dreams. Seeing as he is pretty much wet, he gets to dry out at her home. Her father... Now he is nothing else than a nutty professor and by a few more coincidences, beyond crappy special effects and all that, the girl and boy gets their minds and bodies swapped.

This is the premises for the entire show. My oh my.

Yes. It's just as bad as it sounds. No. There is no excuse for this show what so ever. But the way it's all done, the extents they have gone to and the entire package combined, it just breaks all the rules there is to such a degree that you forgot they ever existed.

I haven't seen this entire thing yet, but it probably won't take me too much time.

My oh my.

Thanks to

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