
Super-productive week pre-weekend wrapup

Me, Woah

This week I've been super-productive, gotten a bunch of stuff done, both at work and at home. I even attended a useful and interesting (for once) MSDN-Live conference. Let's sum it up.

Monday I took the day off work since I was going to the MSDN-Live conference. I thought that taking a day off usually involved not working or at least working less than you usually happen to be doing, but I guess I somehow got this wrong. I have never gotten more urgent emails, phone-calls and interruptions of whatever I was doing ever in a day than I did this day.

Tuesday I had to sum up everything work-related from Monday. I managed to sort most of the stuff out, but fucked up on a meeting not scheduled in my calender. Other than that, the remaininng thousands of requests and phone-calls got handled properly. I also managed to get booked for the rest of the week, so I've been somewhat busy at work.

At home I've also been impressing myself lately. Monday and yesterday I made a most definitely decent dinner from scratch, instead of some simple frozen pizza or other stuff that is quick and easy to make. It's was some sort of Italian/Mexican paste-fusion thingie, and it was so decent that it could handle a rerun.

Tuesday I decided to wash some clothes and got caught up in a chain of events that eventually led me to clean, vacuum and tidy up the entire apartment. This includes papers and drawers and everything. My apartment has never looked this good and spacious as it does now. I should invite a girl home to check out my drawers A.S.A.P.

Wednesday I discovered that some of my public webservices, including a torrent RSS-generator was broken due to some changes of the underlying sites I was screenscraping. Some major code-updating got done, and I actually had my feeds up and running before the site I was scraping got their (inferior) feed working.

On top of that, I have (as already mentioned) completed 3 doramas this week. I also got tickets for Roskilde ordered, made sure my passport is valid for the trip in May. Got a bunch of stuff I don't need thrown out. Where the hell did I get the time to do all this?

When I'm done at work today, I intend to go hunting for a bottle of wine and just chill. I think I have deserved it this week.

As for making a pre-weekend wrapup: I don't think I'll be very useful the remainder of the week :P

Thanks to

Various reasons

Misc stuff