
RxRename - A Regular Expression based renaming tool


If there's one thing I hate doing, it's breindead, repetitive tasks.

Like renaming 100 files from one specific naming convention to another. This is obviously something that can be automated.

When I encounter situations like this, I usually fire up a bash-shell and make a funky one-liner involving perl, regular expressions and whatever it takes to get the job done. But sometimes, like when filenames contain spaces, this literally turns into a mess pretty quickly.

So I decided that my windows box needed som decent commandline-tools as well and made this simple renaming tool. I could have made this a windows application, but for stuff like this the commandline just feels right.

The tool

Behold RxRename. Enter a directory and type RxRename (match) (replace) and that's it. For instance the following line will rename any files with a date formated as YYYY-MM-DD into a file with the date formated as (YYMMDD):

RxRename "20(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)" "($1$2$3)"

Pretty simple, pretty useful.

The tool can be found here, and for those interested, the source-code can be found here.

Like anything else I make these days, it requires the .NET 2.0 framework.



You're aware of the existence of sed, right? whitespace isn't any problem. And of course CLI is the best, it virtually always is.


sed & perl simply didn't co-operate today. Let's put it that way. And it was the whitespaces making things bitchy today.

And right after I made this, someone informed me about "rename", which basicly does the same thing as my tool. Oh well.

Thanks to

Various reasons

Misc stuff